

Perhaps I'm getting dangerously close to information overload, but I can't help devouring the information in these books. I recommend ordering from The Book Depository. They offer free shipping worldwide! In Switzerland, the books usually arrive within a week and no tax is charged on delivery.

This book is full of color photographs and detailed descriptions of fetal development. It's beautiful and fun to flip through or read in earnest. Go to to order.

If you believe in common sense, this will be your baby bible. It's chock full of practical information and advice and has a handy index for when that little bundle of joy has a cough and you need to know what to do. Order at Book Depository.

Probably the most cliché of all pregnancy books, it's a keeper! After a quick flip through it's easy to see why this book is so popular. Witty writing and practical anecdotes that keep the worries of a first time mom-to-be at bay.  Click to order.

Another photo filled aesthetically pleasing title from DK. This one has fun little "Just for Dad" sidebars. Click to order.

Not a classic like Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care, but filled with useful nuts and bolts information, notes section for each month of pregnancy and the perfect size to toss in your handbag and read on the train. Click to order.

Lots of good information on nutrition and diet. Includes stories from real pregnancies and has extensive information about the stages of labor. Click to order.

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